Website Developed By : Divyu

Monday, October 3, 2011

40+ Indian Websites Hacked by ZHC

40+ Indian Websites Hacked by ZHC
43 Indian Websites hacked and defaced by Zhc Dropper Gen of Famous Hackers Group ZCompany Hacking Crew (ZHC)

List of Hacked Sites & Mirrors :-

Message by ZHC Officials :-
"Everyday 100s of innocent people are abused, raped and even killed in kashmir by the indian army, a third of the deaths are children, - we dont want war, take back your men, your tanks and your guns and go back to where you came from, all we ask is for freedom, you can kill us but you cant kill us all, we shall not give up, giving up is not an option.Freedom for Kashmir!!..."

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