Website Developed By : Divyu

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Trick To Get Back Old Facebook Chat

Trick To Get Back Old Facebook Chat

Facebook keeps on bringing new annoying interfaces and we keep on finding way arounds to get the old interfaces back. If you want to get back the old facebook chat then there is a simple trick for it.This trick can bring back the old facebook chat only in Google Chrome and Firefox browsers.

Trick To Get Back Old Facebook Chat In Firefox Browser
  • Download  Greasemonkey addon by Clicking Here
  • Restart your browser
  • Install the Facebook Sidebar Chat Revision Script By Clicking Here (Click on install button at Top-Right)
Trick To Get Back Old Facebook Chat In Firefox Browser
Google chrome by default supports user-scripts so you don’t need Greasemonkey addon
  • Install the Facebook Sidebar Chat Revision Script By Clicking Here (Click on install button at Top-Right)
Now login into your Facebook account and use old Facebook Chat.

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